The Swan Consort is seeking up to three new trustees to join the small but friendly board and diversify the expertise represented therein. We are seeking trustees from all professional backgrounds who are interested in supporting and advising the Artistic Director as the organisation continues to grow. The board We encourage applications from everyone who is interested in working with the organisation, and are particularly seeking trustees with legal, arts management and development/funding expertise. We especially encourage applications from people from different regional and socio-economic backgrounds, people identifying as d/Deaf or disabled, and people from ethnically minoritized groups. If you’d like to have an informal chat about becoming a trustee for The Swan Consort, get in touch via our contact form or at the email address below.

Find the full Trustee Role Description here.
Further information about becoming a Charity Trustee can be found here: The Essential Trustee
To apply, please submit a CV and an expression of interest to hello[at] by midnight on Monday 10th October.
UPDATE: The Swan Consort is continuing to seek expressions of interest from new Trustees on a rolling basis.