Upcoming Events

Song of the Birds
Wolfson College, Cambridge, 21:00
Bird Song themed choral works from Janequin and Casulana to Skempton and Betinis, in an intimate after-dinner recital. A preview for the planned tour Song of the Birds 2023.
Past Events

October 2022
The Swan Consort present Alastair Borthwick’s new Missa Brevis alongside Tudor Polyphonic works by Tallis, Taverner and Byrd.This was followed by a masterclass in early vocal performance led by Anita Datta.

St. James Church
9th Nov, 2021
Out of the Deep - The Swan Consort: St. James Church, Sussex Gardens, 4pm.
Music of Grief and Hope for Remembrance tide.
Music by Josquin de Monte, Byrd and White.

12 Days
Dec 2020
Give the Gift of a Choral Christmas to your loved ones this year from three of England’s brightest choral ensembles in association with The Ryedale Festival. Filmed in the splendour of Castle Howard in North Yorkshire, The 12 Days of Christmas delivers a seasonal carol to the recipient’s email inbox every day from Christmas Day to Epiphany. With an eco-friendly digital gift package, The 12 Days of Christmas is the perfect present for your music-loving friends and family wherever they may be this Christmas.

York Minster
23rd February 2020
The Swan Consort: York Minster, Evensong, 4pm
The Swan Consort return to York Minster to sing the office of Evensong.
Service to include Weelkes Sixth Service and Cavalli Alma Redemptoris Mater.

Cavalli, Musiche Sacre
2nd November 2019
The Swan Consort present Cavalli's Musiche Sacre (1656) in this first concert dedicated to the performance of Cavalli’s exciting settings of Psalms for Vespers. In a new critical performing edition by Dr. Eric Esparza.

South Dalton Church
1st June 2019
The Swan Consort in concert at South Dalton Church, East Yorkshire. Diverse and elegant
music from the Early Renaissance through to the present day, including English
Madrigals and motets from the Musiche Sacre collection of Cavalli. Tickets £15 on the
South Dalton Church, East Yorkshire.

York Minster: Ascension
30th May 2019
The Swan Consort perform at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge as part of the Little
Night Music Series.
Mass: Monteverdi Messa da Cappella a quatro voci
Motet: Gibbons O Clap Your Hands Together
Canticles: Byrd 2nd Service
Anthem: Cavalli Alma Redemptoris Mater

Sidney Sussex College
8th May 2019
The Swan Consort perform at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge as part of the Little
Night Music Series.
The programme explores a theme of Nature and Springtime, with works by Wilbye, Tavener,
De Rore, Cavalli, and the premiere of Anita Datta’s arrangement of Phule Phule (Tagore)
and Ye Banks and Braes (Robert Burns/Scottish Traditional).

Lincoln Cathedral Evensong
28th August 2018
The Swan Consort sing Evensong at Lincoln Cathedral
Canticles: Byrd 2nd Service
Anthem: Quemadmodum, Tavener
Featuring special psalm setting, adapted from Dowland (Psalm 38)

St Mary's Church, Beverley, Evensong
26th August 2018
The Swan Consort sing Evensong at St. Mary’s Church, Beverley
Introit: Ave Verum, Byrd
Canticles: Byrd 2nd Service
Anthem: Quemadmodum, Tavener